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McDee Fruit Cakes

Do you have high expectation on your fruit cake and yet often disappointing? You have found the right place. At McDee, we believe every Fruit Cake shoud be moist and fruity. That is why in baking McDee Fruit Cake, we have exacted an unmatched standard of making every cake fruity and moist.

McDee Fruit Cake, made with traditional New Zealand recipe is smooth in texture, compact with McDee fruit, baked to perfection. McDee Fruit Cake is so fabulous that you enjoy it whether at breakfast or at teatime. Comes in Peach, Wild Berry and special Tropical Fruit with Hawaiian Spirulina to provide you with more health benefits. McDee fruit cakes are different!  These cakes are fruity, scrumptious, delicious and delightful! 

Tropical  Fruit Cake

Made with Hawaiian Spirulina, with a tinge of tropical flavour. We have managed to blend the health and taste to perfection


Wild Berry Fruit Cake

Wild Berry-made from selected berry fruits, strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, elderberry. This cake bound to make you asked for more.



Peach Fruit Cake

Made with real peach, not the usual canned peach. Savour this real delightful and hearty cake.

McDee Fruit Cake-An experience to be savoured

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