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McDee Fruit Snacks - Tropical


McDee Fruit Snacks - Tropical

Filled with wonderful flavours of tropical fruits, the McDee Tropical Fruit Snack is the perfect snack for tropical fruit lovers. The Tropical fruit snack contains apple paste, pineapple juice concentrate, mango puree and banana puree.

Nutrition Information

 Per Serving

 Per 100gm

 Energy  299kj  1495kj
 Protein  0.14g  0.7g
 Total Fat  0.1g  0.5g
 Saturated Fat  0.04g  0.2g
 Cholesterol  0mg  0mg
 Carbohydrate  17g  83g
 Dietary Fibre  1.3g  6.7g
 Sodium  4mg  20mg

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